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Dolphin Nicknames: How They Whistle Each Other's Names


Imagine dolphins having nicknames! Scientists discovered that dolphins have special whistles that act like names. Every dolphin makes its own whistle sound when it's a baby, kind of like picking a cool nickname. These whistles are unique, so no two dolphins have the same one.

Think of it like a secret handshake, but with sound! When a dolphin hears another dolphin's whistle, it knows exactly who it is, like how you know who's calling you when you hear your name. They use these whistles to chat with each other, greet friends, and maybe even call for help.

It's not exactly the same as human names, though. We can describe someone with our names, like "tall John" or "funny Sarah." Dolphins probably don't picture each other when they hear a whistle. But these whistles are definitely a way for them to recognize each other, kind of like how we use names to talk to specific people.

This discovery is super cool because it shows how smart dolphins are! They have their own way of communicating and keeping track of their friends, just like us. Maybe someday we'll understand dolphin whistles even better and learn more about their fascinating world!

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