The Farmer and the Well


Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a hardworking farmer named Ram. Ram worked tirelessly on his land to grow crops and support his family.

One summer, there was a severe drought, and his well dried up. Without water, his crops would fail, and his family would starve.

Desperate for water, Ram heard about a wealthy neighbor, Raghav, who had a deep well. Ram approached Raghav and asked if he could buy the well. Raghav agreed, but at an exorbitant price. Ram, having no other choice, sold some of his livestock and bought the well.

The next day, when Ram went to fetch water, Raghav stopped him. "You can’t take water from my well," Raghav said slyly.

"But I bought the well from you," replied Ram, confused.

"Yes, you bought the well, but I didn't sell you the water," said Raghav with a smirk.

Ram was at a loss. He decided to take the matter to the village head. The wise village head listened carefully to both sides. After pondering for a moment, he said to Raghav, "Since you sold the well to Ram but not the water, you must remove your water from his well immediately."

Raghav was taken aback. He realized the foolishness of his greed. He had no choice but to let Ram use the water, as it was impossible to remove it from the well. Defeated, Raghav apologized to Ram and allowed him to use the well freely.

Ram thanked the village head and Raghav. He continued to work hard, and with the help of the well, his crops flourished. Ram never forgot the lesson he learned about greed and fairness.

Moral of the Story: Greed and dishonesty can lead to one's downfall. It's important to be fair and just in our dealings with others.

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