The Secret of the Starlit Manor Chapter 3: The Revelation


Evelyn spent the next few hours meticulously searching each room. She found nothing unusual in Lady Margaret's room, just a collection of old books and family portraits. Robert's room was cluttered with papers and books, but nothing incriminating. Alice's quarters were sparse, with only the essentials.

Returning to the study, Evelyn noticed the new gardener through the window, working in the garden. She decided to have a word with him. Stepping outside, she approached the man, who looked up in surprise.

"Good evening," Evelyn said. "I'm Detective Greene. I'd like to ask you a few questions."

The gardener wiped his hands nervously. "Of course, ma'am. How can I help?"

"Where were you two nights ago, when the Star of Starlit disappeared?"

The gardener hesitated. "I was here, in the garden, till late. I didn't see or hear anything."

Evelyn's eyes narrowed. "Did you notice anything unusual in the manor recently?"

The gardener shook his head. "No, ma'am. Everything seemed normal."

Evelyn thanked him and returned inside, her mind working through the possibilities. She needed more concrete evidence. She decided to examine the display case again, this time with a magnifying glass. As she did, she noticed a tiny fiber stuck in the lock mechanism, barely visible.

"Alice," Evelyn called, summoning the maid. "Do you recognize this fabric?"

Alice's eyes widened. "That's from Mr. Robert's scarf. He often wears it when he's in the library."

Evelyn's mind raced. She confronted Robert in the library. "Robert, can you explain why a fiber from your scarf was found in the lock mechanism of the display case?"

Robert's face turned ashen. "I... I don't know how it got there."

"Let's not waste time, Robert," Evelyn said sharply. "You had access to the combination and an opportunity. What was your motive?"

Robert's shoulders slumped. "I was desperate. I have debts, and I thought if I could sell the Star of Starlit, I could pay them off."

Evelyn sighed. "Where is the heirloom now?"

Robert's voice was barely a whisper. "I hid it in the garden, beneath the old oak tree."

Julian and Lady Margaret entered the room, overhearing the confession. Julian looked betrayed, while Lady Margaret seemed resigned.

Evelyn retrieved the Star of Starlit from its hiding place. "Mr. Blackwood, the heirloom is safe. But I'm afraid Robert will need to answer for his actions."

As the authorities arrived to take Robert into custody, Evelyn reflected on the case. The Star of Starlit was back where it belonged, and the mystery of Starlit Manor had been solved. Yet, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Robert, caught in a web of desperation and poor choices.

Evelyn left Starlit Manor, the moonlight casting a silvery glow on the grand estate. She had once again proven that even in the darkest of mysteries, the truth would always find its way to the surface.

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