The Tale of Honest Villager


In a small, picturesque village nestled among rolling hills, lived a young girl named Hana. Hana was known throughout the village for her honesty and kindness.

Her family, though not wealthy, was respected and loved by everyone because of their integrity and helpful nature.

One day, while walking home from the market, Hana stumbled upon a small leather pouch lying by the roadside. Curious, she picked it up and peeked inside. To her astonishment, the pouch was filled with gold coins. Her eyes widened in disbelief, and for a moment, she imagined how this newfound wealth could transform her family's life. They could repair their old, leaking roof, buy new clothes, and have enough food to last through the winter.

But Hana knew that keeping the pouch wouldn't be right. Someone in the village must be desperately looking for it. She decided to take the pouch home and discuss it with her parents.

When she reached home, she found her parents sitting by the fireplace, sipping tea. She explained the situation and showed them the pouch. Her father, a wise and honest man, looked at her with pride and said, "Hana, you did the right thing by bringing this home. We must find the rightful owner."

The next day, Hana's father announced in the village square that they had found a pouch of gold coins and were looking for the owner. Word spread quickly, and soon a wealthy merchant, Mr. Lind, approached them. He was frantic and explained that he had lost his pouch on his way to a neighboring town. The pouch contained his savings, meant for his daughter's wedding.

Hana's father handed the pouch to Mr. Lind, who counted the coins and found them all intact. Overwhelmed with relief and gratitude, he offered a reward to Hana and her family. But Hana's father politely declined, saying, "We are glad to have helped. Honesty is its own reward."

Mr. Lind, touched by their integrity, insisted they accept a small token of appreciation. He gifted them enough money to repair their roof and buy necessities. The villagers, hearing of Hana's honesty, praised her and her family even more.

The moral of the story: is that honesty and integrity are invaluable virtues that not only bring personal satisfaction but also earn the respect and trust of others. Doing the right thing, even when it is tempting to do otherwise, ultimately leads to positive outcomes and strengthens the community.

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