Silent Whispers Part 3: The Unseen Enemy


Marcus Gray lived in a grand but dilapidated manor on the outskirts of Eldridge. The estate was shrouded in overgrown vines and shadows, a stark contrast to the lively fair scene.

When Evelyn arrived, she was greeted by Gray’s housekeeper, who reluctantly let her in.

Gray was an older man with a sharp demeanor, and his initial reaction to Evelyn’s questions was defensive.

However, as she pressed him about his relationship with Edward Thorn and the Midnight Star, Gray’s resistance began to wane. He admitted that he had been a rival jeweler and that his obsession with the Midnight Star had caused a long-standing feud with Thorn.

Gray revealed that he had once attempted to acquire the pendant by nefarious means but had failed. He also mentioned that Thorn had recently contacted him about a potential business proposition, which Gray had dismissed as a ploy.

Evelyn sensed that Gray was hiding something but lacked concrete evidence.

As Evelyn prepared to leave, Gray’s demeanor shifted; he seemed nervous and agitated. In the midst of their conversation, Gray’s phone rang.

Evelyn noticed a brief, hushed conversation, and when Gray hung up, he appeared even more unsettled. Evelyn decided to follow him discreetly, hoping to uncover what he was so anxious about.

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