

Kind Ethan and the Hurt Bird


Once upon a time, in a little village surrounded by hills and green trees, there was a boy named Ethan.

Ethan was very nice and always ready to help others. He spent his days helping old people, playing with kids, and taking care of animals.

One sunny day, Ethan found a bird that was hurt. He picked it up gently and looked after it until it got better and flew away.

People heard about what Ethan did and liked him even more. They thought he was a great person because he was always helping everyone.

But there was a rich man in the village named Mr. Greedmore. He only cared about himself and his money. He didn't like Ethan because everyone liked him more than Mr. Greedmore.

So, Mr. Greedmore started telling lies about Ethan. He said Ethan was stealing from people. Some villagers believed him and stopped being friends with Ethan.

Ethan felt really sad but instead of being angry, he went to talk to Mr. Greedmore. He smiled and offered to help him. Mr. Greedmore was surprised by Ethan's kindness and realized he was wrong. He said sorry and promised to change.

In the end, Ethan's goodness won, and everyone in the village loved him again. Ethan showed that being kind and forgiving is important. The village became a happier place because of Ethan's good deeds.

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