

South China Tiger


The South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis) is one of the most critically endangered tiger subspecies in the world, native to the forests and grasslands of southern China.

Known for its distinctive orange coat adorned with narrow black stripes, this majestic feline is smaller in size compared to other tiger subspecies.

Historically, the South China tiger roamed vast stretches of China, but habitat destruction, poaching, and human encroachment have drastically reduced its population.

Today, it is believed that the South China tiger is extinct in the wild, with fewer than 200 individuals existing in captivity.

Conservation efforts are underway to save this iconic predator from complete extinction, focusing on captive breeding programs and potential reintroduction into protected areas.

The plight of the South China tiger underscores the urgent need for sustainable conservation practices and heightened awareness of wildlife preservation.

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