

The Dark Mansion


In the small town of Oakridge, there's a spooky old house called Blackwood Estate. It's been abandoned for a long time, but one night, a light appeared in one of its windows.

Sophia, a curious girl who likes scary stuff, got a strange invitation to go to Blackwood Estate. The invitation came in a fancy envelope with no return address.

Even though people warned her not to go, Sophia couldn't resist. She went into the forest with just her lantern and the whispers of the night to guide her.

As she got closer to the house, things got scarier. The trees looked creepy, and she could hear strange sounds in the wind.

Finally, Sophia reached the big gates of Blackwood Estate. They opened on their own, like they wanted her to come in.

Inside the house, it was dark and dusty, and everything felt spooky. But Sophia kept going, even though she felt scared.

She followed a light up the stairs and found a room with a strange red glow. In the middle of the room, there was a shadowy figure.

"Welcome, Sophia," a voice whispered from the darkness. "I've been waiting for you."

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