

The Enchanted Forest Chapter 3: The Guardian of the Glade


On the seventh day, Elara reached a beautiful clearing lit by moonlight. In the center was a huge oak tree. As she got closer, a tall, elegant woman with silver hair appeared from the shadows.

"I am Lyra, the Guardian of the Glade," the woman said kindly. "You have come far, Elara. Why are you here in the heart of the Enchanted Forest?"

Elara told Lyra about finding the map and wanting to discover the forest's secrets. Lyra listened carefully, looking thoughtful.

"The map you found was made by my ancestors to guide those who are worthy," Lyra explained. "The forest is full of magic and danger."

Lyra told Elara about an ancient relic hidden in the forest—a crystal that could heal any wound and give great wisdom. But a fierce dragon named Valtor guarded it and used its power to spread darkness.

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