

The Enchanted Forest's Secret Part 1


Lena was not an ordinary girl. She loved to explore and find new things. One sunny afternoon, she was looking through her grandmother’s attic. She found an old, dusty chest and opened it. Inside, she saw a worn leather map. The edges were torn, and strange symbols covered the paper.

“What’s this?” she whispered, touching the designs with her finger.

Her grandmother heard the noise and came up the stairs. She gasped when she saw the map. “Lena, where did you find that?”

“In this old chest. What is it, Grandma?”

Her grandmother’s eyes sparkled with both excitement and caution. “That, my dear, is a map to the Enchanted Forest. It is said that whoever finds the heart of the forest will discover a great secret.”

Lena’s eyes grew wide. “Can we go, Grandma?”

Her grandmother shook her head. “I am too old for such adventures, but you... you have the spirit. Take the map and follow it. But be careful; the forest is full of wonders and dangers.”

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