

The Friendly Stranger


Once in a busy city, there was a boy named Alex. He often walked around the streets, looking for food and a place to stay. Even though life was tough, Alex was always kind and caring.

One rainy night, Alex got caught in a heavy storm. He was cold and wet, feeling lost and alone. He wished someone would offer him a warm place to stay.

Suddenly, a kind old man appeared. He had a friendly smile and gentle eyes. He reached out to Alex and invited him into his small home.

Thankful for the stranger's kindness, Alex agreed. They sat by the fireplace, and the old man shared stories of his own life. He talked about how important it is to be kind and help others, even in tough times.

The next morning, the storm was over. Alex said goodbye to the old man and left with hope and gratitude. He decided to be kind to others, just like the stranger had been to him.

Years passed, and Alex became a successful and caring person. He spent his life helping those in need, never forgetting the lesson he learned from the friendly stranger on that rainy night.

Moral: "Being kind to others is important. Even small acts of kindness can make a big difference. When we help others, we spread happiness and make the world a better place."

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