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The Golden Feather

Once upon a time, in a quiet village nestled between green hills and a sparkling river, lived a kind-hearted girl named Elara. Elara was known throughout the village for her generosity and her willingness to help anyone in need. Despite her family's modest means, she never hesitated to share what little they had.

One bright morning, as Elara was walking through the forest gathering herbs for her mother, she stumbled upon a beautiful golden feather lying on the ground. Its radiant shine caught her eye, and she picked it up, marveling at its beauty. Elara decided to take it home, thinking it might bring some good fortune to her family.

As she returned to the village, she met an elderly man sitting by the roadside. He looked tired and hungry. Without a second thought, Elara approached him and offered him some bread she had in her basket. The old man thanked her warmly and, noticing the golden feather in her hand, asked where she had found it.

Elara explained how she had found it in the forest and shared her hope that it might bring some luck to her family. The old man smiled and said, "This feather is indeed special. It belongs to a magical bird that grants a wish to anyone who returns its feather. But remember, the wish should be selfless, or the magic will not work."

Elara thanked the man and hurried home, eager to tell her family about the feather and the old man's words. That night, as they gathered around the fireplace, Elara shared the story and they began to discuss what wish they should make. Her parents thought of various things – a bigger house, more food, wealth  but Elara had a different idea.

The next morning, Elara went to the forest and called out for the magical bird. To her astonishment, a magnificent bird with shimmering feathers appeared before her. Elara bowed and gently placed the golden feather at the bird's feet.

"Oh, magical bird," she began, "I have found your feather and wish to return it to you. In exchange, I ask for a wish not for myself, but for my village. Please ensure that no one here ever goes hungry again."

The bird looked at Elara with kind eyes and nodded. "Your wish is pure and selfless, young one. It shall be granted." With that, the bird took the feather and flew high into the sky, disappearing from sight.

From that day on, the village experienced a miraculous abundance. The crops were always plentiful, and no one ever went hungry. The villagers, inspired by Elara's selflessness, began to help each other more and live in harmony.

Elara's wish not only brought prosperity to the village but also strengthened the bonds of community and kindness among its people. And so, the story of Elara and the golden feather was told for generations, reminding everyone that true magic lies in selfless acts of kindness.

Moral: True generosity and selflessness bring lasting happiness and prosperity to not just oneself, but to the entire community. 

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