

The Haunted Mansion

Once upon a time, there was a spooky old house in a small town called Willow Creek. Everyone said it was full of ghosts and bad things. But a group of brave kids didn't believe the stories. They wanted to explore the house and see if the tales were true.

One evening, as the sun went down, they sneaked into the house. It was dark and creepy inside, with strange noises echoing around them. But they kept going, shining their flashlights to see.

Deeper they went, until they found a big room with weird symbols on the walls and a coffin in the middle. The lid was open, like something had escaped.

Suddenly, they heard growling from the shadows. Scared, they realized they weren't alone. Something was with them, something scary.

They tried to run, but the house seemed to trap them. They screamed for help, but nobody could hear them.

As the night went on, their fear grew. They became part of the spooky stories people told about the house, trapped forever in its scary grip.

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