

The Scary House


In a big forest, there was a spooky house called Willowbrook Manor. People said it was bad luck to go there because bad things happened to those who went inside.

A girl named Emily was very curious about Willowbrook Manor. Even though people warned her not to go, she went anyway. She wanted to find out what secrets the house held.

When Emily got to the house, she felt something scary. But she kept going. Inside, it was cold and smelled old. Shadows moved around, making her nervous. But she kept walking.

While exploring, Emily felt like someone was watching her. She found old things like pictures and journals. They looked like they were from a long time ago.

When night came, Emily got lost in the house. Every turn she took made her more scared. The walls looked strange, and she couldn't find a way out.

Finally, Emily found a hidden room. In it was an altar with candles and strange things. The air felt heavy, and Emily knew something was wrong.

Ghosts appeared from nowhere. They looked sad and in pain. Emily realized she was trapped with them. She couldn't escape.

The ghosts closed in on Emily, and she screamed. Her screams mixed with the cries of others who had been trapped before her. When morning came, the house was silent again, keeping its secrets hidden.

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