

The Talking Dark Forest


Lena liked the quiet forest behind her grandmother's house. The trees were tall and bent, making the forest seem dark and strange. As a kid, Lena played there a lot, pretending to explore. But she never went to the middle of the forest, where the Whispering Grove was. Her grandmother told her many times.

“Stay away from the Grove, Lena. Strange things live there,” her grandmother said, her voice shaking a bit. Lena listened to her grandmother until she was twenty.

That summer, Lena's grandmother got very sick, so Lena moved in to take care of her. One night, as Lena sat by her grandmother's bed, the old woman grabbed her hand.

“The Whispering Grove... It’s calling you, Lena. You must go,” she said, her eyes wide with fear.

Before Lena could ask what she meant, her grandmother fell asleep. The doctors said she might not wake up. Lena needed answers, so she did something she was always told not to do.

It was a cold, dark night. With a flashlight and her bravery, Lena went into the forest. The paths she knew well looked scary in the dark, but she kept going. As she got closer to the middle of the forest, the air got colder, and she heard soft whispers from the trees.

Finally, she reached the Whispering Grove. The trees there were the tallest and thickest she had ever seen. In the middle stood an old oak tree, its trunk black and twisted like it was burned.

Lena walked to the oak tree, and the whispers got louder. She almost understood them. When she touched the tree, a freezing shock went through her arm.

Images filled her mind: her grandmother as a young woman in the same grove, surrounded by people chanting in a strange language. Her grandmother looked scared as a dark figure came out of the tree, its eyes glowing with evil.

Lena stumbled back, gasping. The whispers turned into screams. She tried to run, but shadows wrapped around her ankles, pulling her down.

With all her strength, she broke free and ran until she was back in her grandmother's house. She closed the door and fell down, shaking.

The next morning, Lena woke up to find her grandmother sitting up in bed, looking better than she had in years. She smiled at Lena, her eyes calm.

“You went to the Grove, didn’t you?” she asked softly. Lena nodded, unable to speak.

Her grandmother sighed. “The forest has protected our family for a long time, but it needs something in return. Now that you’ve been touched by its darkness, you must guard it, like I did, until the next generation is ready.”

Lena felt heavy-hearted. She had to take care of the Whispering Grove and its secrets. As she looked out the window at the dark forest, she knew her life had changed.

At night, when the whispers started again, she knew the shadows were always watching, waiting for her to make a mistake so they could take her.

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