

The Curse of Blackwood Manor Part 4: Trapped in the Haunted Manor

Determined to escape, they ran back upstairs, but the manor seemed to shift and change, leading them in circles. The portraits on the walls seemed to follow their every move, eyes filled with malice. Sarah heard whispering voices, and shadows danced just beyond the edge of vision. Emily felt a cold hand grip her shoulder, only to turn and find no one there.

Mike, trying to keep his composure, suggested they confront Mr. Graves. They found him in the dining room, calmly polishing silverware. When questioned, his smile was unsettling. He admitted that the manor had a life of its own, and it chose who would stay and who would leave.

Suddenly, Jess screamed and collapsed. A ghostly figure of Nathaniel Blackwood loomed over her, chanting in an ancient language. The friends fought to pull Jess away, but she was dragged into the floor by unseen hands. Their numbers were dwindling, and despair set in.

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