

The Case of the Missing Manuscript


In the small town of Ravenswood, the annual literary festival was a big event. This year, the famous writer Arthur Wainwright was set to reveal his new book, The Silent Witness. Arthur was a mystery himself, rarely seen in public.

The night before the big reveal, there was a party at Ravenswood Manor. The manor was filled with excitement as guests chatted about the new book. Arthur made a brief appearance, holding a sealed envelope with his manuscript. He announced it would be revealed the next evening and then retired to his study.

The next morning, chaos erupted. Arthur's study had been broken into, and the manuscript was missing. There were no signs of forced entry. Inspector Harold Greene, a retired detective, was called to investigate. He gathered the key suspects in the library: Eleanor Hughes, a sharp critic; Thomas Blake, a struggling novelist; and Olivia Saunders, an ambitious journalist.

Eleanor was known for her harsh reviews of Arthur's work. Thomas was desperate for success and might have stolen the manuscript to pass off as his own. Olivia was eager for a big story and could have seen this as her chance.

Inspector Greene started with Eleanor. She insisted she had no reason to steal the manuscript, saying, "I respect his talent despite our differences."

Next, he questioned Thomas, who was nervous. "I would never steal. I have my own work," he claimed.

Finally, Olivia was calm. "I was here to cover the festival, not to create a scandal," she said firmly.

Greene re-examined the study. He noticed a faint smell of lavender, recalling Olivia's distinctive perfume. But this alone was not enough evidence.

He reviewed the events of the night. Eleanor was seen near the study around midnight but claimed she was just looking for a quiet place to read. Thomas was last seen near the garden but had no solid alibi. Olivia had been mingling with guests, making it hard to pinpoint her location.

Greene set a trap. He announced he had found a clue that would lead to the manuscript and then pretended to leave. Hidden nearby, he waited.

Soon, Olivia crept into the study, searching frantically. Greene caught her red-handed. Olivia confessed, saying she wanted to publish an exclusive story to boost her career.

The manuscript was recovered, and Olivia was taken away by the police. The festival continued, and Arthur's The Silent Witness was revealed to great acclaim. Inspector Greene was hailed as a hero, solving the mystery of the missing manuscript.

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