

The Feather's Lesson

In a small village, there lived a wise old man named Anar. People came to him for advice because he was very wise and kind.

One day, a young man named Ravi came to Anar. He was very upset because someone had treated him unfairly. He felt angry and couldn't find peace.

"Anar," Ravi said, "I am so angry. My heart feels heavy. What should I do?"

Anar smiled and said, "Come with me, Ravi."

He took Ravi to a peaceful forest. There, they found a beautiful old tree. At the base of the tree was a small feather.

"Pick up the feather," Anar told Ravi.

Ravi picked up the feather. Anar then said, "Hold the feather as tightly as you can."

Ravi squeezed the feather in his fist. They stood there for a few minutes, and Ravi's hand started to hurt from holding the feather so tightly.

Anar then said, "Now, open your hand and let the feather go."

Ravi opened his hand, and the feather floated gently to the ground. He felt better right away.

Anar smiled again. "Anger is like that feather," he said. "The more you hold onto it, the more it hurts you. If you let it go, you will feel at peace."

Ravi understood Anar's wisdom. He thanked him and went back to the village. He felt lighter and happier.

From then on, whenever Ravi felt angry, he remembered the lesson of the feather. He learned to let go of his anger and felt peaceful.

The villagers saw the change in Ravi and asked him how he found peace. He shared Anar's lesson with them, teaching everyone that true peace comes from letting go of anger.

The village became a happier place because everyone learned the simple but powerful lesson of the feather.

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