

The Recently Three Extinct Animals

West African Black Rhino

Once upon a time, there lived a giant plant-eater in Africa called the West African Black Rhino. They weren't really black, more like brown or gray.

These rhinos were enormous, stretching up to 12 feet long and weighing as much as a car! They had two horns on their nose, one big one and a smaller one.

Sadly, some people believed these horns had magical healing powers, even though it wasn't true. Because of this belief, many rhinos were hunted and killed for their horns. In the 1930s, people realized this was wrong and tried to protect the rhinos, but it was too late.

There were fewer and fewer rhinos left. The last one was spotted in Cameroon in 2006, and by 2011, no more West African Black Rhinos were found anywhere. This means they are extinct, which is a fancy way of saying they're completely gone forever.

Tasmanian Tiger

In Australia, there once lived a cool animal called the Tasmanian Tiger. Even though its name has "tiger" in it, it wasn't actually a tiger! It was actually a big, meat-eating marsupial, like a kangaroo with a pouch for its joey.

It looked a bit like a dog, but bigger about the size of a big dog and a small person put together, with stripes that made it look a bit like a tiger.

Sadly, these Tasmanian Tigers are gone forever, which means they're extinct. There are a few reasons why they might have disappeared.

People hunted them a lot, especially because they were sometimes blamed for killing sheep. People also moved into their homes and brought dogs with them, which might have made it hard for the Tasmanian Tigers to survive.  There might have even been some sickness going around that made them ill.

The last Tasmanian Tiger living in the wild was killed sometime between 1910 and 1920. The very last one, kept in a zoo, died in 1936.  Even though they're gone, scientists are still learning about these amazing animals.

Sabre-tooth Cats

Forget everything you think you know about tigers and lions! Sabre-tooth cats were super cool, prehistoric hunters that lived from WAY back, over 55 million years ago, all the way up to about 10,000 years ago.

These weren't your typical big cats. Imagine a giant cat with super long, dagger-like teeth – some were up to 20 inches long! These weren't for chewing carrots; they were for hunting! Sabre-tooth cats were meat-eaters and they probably took down big prey like mammoths and giant sloths.

Their jaws were specially built to use these giant teeth, opening way wider than any lion you'd see today almost like opening a book flat!

So, what happened to these amazing cats?  Well, no one knows for sure, but there are a few ideas.  Maybe their food, the giant herbivores, started disappearing, leaving them with nothing to eat.

Maybe the Earth's climate changed and made it hard for them to survive.  There's even a chance that early humans might have competed with them for food.

Whatever the reason, sabre-tooth cats are extinct, which means they're gone forever.  But even though they're gone, they left behind some pretty cool fossils for us to learn about!

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