

Whispers of Blackwood Estate Part 5: The Escape


Panic set in. Sarah, Mark, and Lisa fought their way through the spectral horde, their hands slipping through ghostly bodies. They ran back through the winding halls, the mansion seeming to stretch and change, trying to trap them. Finally, they burst through the front door and into the cold night air.

The mansion's facade seemed to waver, as if it were a mirage. As they reached their car, they glanced back and saw Mr. Blackwood watching them from a window, a sinister smile on his face. They drove away, hearts pounding, vowing never to speak of what had happened.

But the horror followed them. At night, they could hear the whispers, feel the cold touch of ghostly fingers, and see shadows moving in the corners of their vision. The Blackwood Estate had marked them, and they knew it was only a matter of time before it called them back.

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