The Secret of the Starlit Manor Chapter 2: The Investigation Begins

Evelyn Greene studied the faces of those gathered in the dimly lit study. She sensed their unease and resolved to uncover the truth behind the missing Star of Starlit. She decided to begin with Lady Margaret, who sat composed yet wary.

"Lady Margaret," Evelyn began, "can you tell me about the night the heirloom disappeared?"

Lady Margaret's eyes flickered with a mix of sadness and defiance. "It was just another evening. We had dinner together, as usual. I retired to my room early, feeling unwell. I didn't hear or see anything unusual."

Evelyn nodded, sensing the older woman's reluctance. She turned her attention to Robert, Julian's cousin. "Robert, what about you?"

Robert shifted uneasily in his chair. "I was in the library most of the evening, reading. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary either."

Evelyn's gaze moved to Alice, the maid. Alice's hands trembled slightly as she spoke. "I was cleaning the drawing room. I didn't see anyone near the study."

"Did you hear anything?" Evelyn probed.

Alice shook her head. "No, ma'am. It was quiet."

Julian intervened, his frustration evident. "Detective, we've already questioned everyone. There are no clues."

Evelyn held up a hand, her eyes narrowing. "Sometimes the absence of clues is a clue itself, Mr. Blackwood." She walked over to the display case, examining the lock. "Only the family and Alice knew the combination. Yet, there's no sign of forced entry."

She turned to the group, her voice calm but firm. "Let's consider the possibility that the thief is among us."

The room fell silent, tension thickening the air. Lady Margaret's eyes widened, Robert paled, and Alice's trembling increased.

Evelyn decided to inspect the study more thoroughly. She noticed a faint scratch on the floor near the display case, almost unnoticeable. "This scratch," she mused aloud, "could it be from someone dragging the case open?"

Julian frowned. "The case is usually locked securely."

"Was there a recent event or any new staff hired?" Evelyn asked, turning to Alice.

Alice hesitated, then nodded. "A new gardener started last month. He seemed trustworthy."

"Interesting," Evelyn said, making a mental note to investigate further. "For now, I need to see your rooms and any personal effects you might have that could relate to the case."

As the group dispersed to their respective quarters, Evelyn's mind raced. She sensed that the key to solving the mystery lay in understanding the family dynamics and uncovering hidden motives. The grand manor's secrets were beginning to unravel, and she was determined to follow every lead to its end.

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